Cochrane Practice

Go therefore Click into the Cochrane Library database, and let's perform some searches.

Instructions for using this guide:

Cochrane Practice

Go therefore Using the Medical Terms (MeSH), look up the heading for antibiotics.

Need some help?

Cochrane Practice

What heading does MeSH use in place of antibiotics?

Cochrane Practice

To add MeSH Medical Terms to the Search Manager, click the link Add to Search Manager located in the Search results box located on the right side of the screen.

Go therefore Click on the link Add to Search Manager in the Search Results box to the left hand of the screen.

Need some help?

Cochrane Practice

How many results did you get for MeSH descriptor: [Anti-Bacterial Agents]?

Cochrane Practice

Go therefore Using the Medical Terms (MeSH), look up the heading for probiotics and add it to the Search Manager.

Need some help?

Cochrane Practice

How many results did you get for MeSH descriptor: [Probiotics]?

Cochrane Practice

Refine your search to narrow to reviews including the use of probiotics.

Go therefore In search box #3, type in #1 and #2.Click Go.

Cochrane Practice

Lets open the search results in search box #3.

Go therefore At the right end of search box #3, click on the box listing the number of results.

Cochrane Practice

Go therefore Find the article Probiotics for the prevention of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea in adults and children and open the Full PDF file.

Cochrane Practice

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