Search for a publication

In order to find specific information about a publication in the EBSCO database, click the publications link located near the top left side of your screen just above the round EBSCOhost icon.

This will display a list of publications available through your currently selected database.

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Publications Screen

On the Publications Screen, you may choose to either browse the list of publications or perform a search.

To search for a publication, enter your search terms in the second text box located below the Publications section title. Then choose the type of search you would like to conduct by selecting one of the search types below the search box.

  • Choose Alphabetical to find journals beginning with the letters entered.
  • Choose By Subject & Description to simultaneously search the subject, description and title fields of a journal
  • Or, Choose Match Any Words to find publications containing one or more of your terms

Once you have made your selection, enter a title or partial name of a title you want to find and click the Browse button. A Publication Title list will be displayed.


Click the forward arrow below to continue.

Publication Description

  • For a description of the journal or publication, click the hyper-linked Publication Name
  • The information found in the Publication Details may include: the title, ISSN, publisher information, title history, and whether the journal is peer reviewed.
Click the forward arrow below to continue.

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