Click on the "Databases a to z" box on the right side of the page.

The databases are listed alphabetically. Scroll down and click on "JSTOR."

Click on the "Advanced Search" link, right below the search box.

Enter a search term in the first search box. Leave the pull-down menu at Full-Text.

Below the search boxes, you will see options to narrow your search. 

For "Item Type" choose "Articles."

For "Language," choose "English."

Scroll down to "Narrow by Discipline and/or Publication Title."

Check the box for "History" or click the arrow next to "History," then check the boxes for the history journals you would like to search.

Scroll back to the top and click "Search."

To access full text, click the "Download PDF" link.

To limit your search, click the "Modify Search" link located below the "Search" button.



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