GreenFILE Practice

Go therefore Click into the GreenFILE database, and let's perform some searches.

GreenFILE Practice

Go therefore Using the top search box, type in a search for prescribed burning and click Search.

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GreenFILE Practice

How many results did you get?

GreenFILE Practice

Go therefore Refine your search by adding the term habitat in a second search box.

Let's narrow our search by finding articles that include information about both prescribed burning and habitat.  Which Boolean operator would we use for this search?

GreenFILE Practice

Go therefore Next, refine your search by adding the term birds in a third search box.

Let's narrow our search by finding articles that excludes information about birds.  Which Boolean operator would we use for this search?

GreenFILE Practice

Go therefore Use the Refine Results to include resources published in 2009 or later and available full text.

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GreenFILE Practice

Go therefore Find the article Restoration of Mountain Big Sagebrush Steppe Following Prescribed Burning to Control Western Juniper and open the PDF Full Text file.

GreenFILE Practice

Go therefore Now, pull a citation for this article in APA and paste it in the box below.

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GreenFILE Practice

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