
This module will show you how to use the Good Library catalog, our tool for finding print and electronic resources.

As you go through this tutorial, use the arrows below to navigate to the next section of the tutorial. Words in bold indicate actions you must complete on the various interactive library webpages seen to the right.

Throughout the tutorial you will also see several embedded quizzes. Be sure to complete these to the best of your ability. A final grade will be sent upon tutorial completion.

So let's get started!

Books & Media

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For example-sake, let's say you're an Education major doing a research project on academic success. Academic success alone is extremely broad, but you're not sure what aspect you want to write about yet.

It's a good idea to find an overview of the topic first, and searching for books about academic success is a great place to start.

Type academic success into the box and click Search.

BEFORE CONTINUING: Look at the top left of the screen in the grey bar just below the page header About how many titles are displayed?

Books & Media

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You now know that the results list includes a very large number of books. It's important to note that the system searches for the word academic and the word success anywhere in the records when choosing which items to display in the results list.

You, on the other hand, are thinking of the two words as a single concept. You must tell the system to specifically search your terms as a phrase. You can do this by placing quotation marks around your keywords in the search box.

Do this now - place quotation marks around your keywords (i.e. "academic success") and click the search icon to redo your search.

BEFORE CONTINUING: About how many items do you find now, if you search for books with the exact phrase, "academic success?"

Books & Media

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1) On the left side of your results list, you'll see ways to limit your results with the first section being by Library.  The system will automatically list first the items that are most relevant to your search terms and that are owned by GC.

2) You can certainly limit by Format if you need to (for instance, if you wanted to view ONLY e-books).

3) Finally, Years might be important to you also if you need current information. Choose from a default option or input a custom range.

Select the date option for Last 10 Years.

NOTE #1: Your results will automatically update when selecting the date option.

NOTE #2: You only see Goshen College as the Held By option in one of your results. The remaining items are held by other private Indiana college libraries. Know that you can request items that GC doesn't own via Interlibrary Loan.

BEFORE CONTINUING: Goshen College items will always appear at the top of your results list.

Books & Media

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Let's take a quick look at one of your results by going into the actual record for the item.

Click the title What successful science teachers do : 75 research-based strategies.

You can see the availability of the item and where it would be located on one of our shelves (LB1585 .G53 2010).

You might also be wondering what this book has to do with academic success. Make a note that when doing a keyword search, your terms may not appear in the title, but might be part of a chapter heading (which is exactly the case for this book).


Please enter your name and email address to retrieve a copy of your completed quiz.

You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas. If you are doing this for a class, you may need to enter your instructor's email address also.


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