Bible Citation Searching in ATLA Religion Database

Open Bible Citation Searching in ATLA in another browser window to work through this tutorial side by side.

Finding the database

ATLA Religion Database with ATLA Serials can be accessed by clicking on the Research button on the Library homepage. 

Link to research resources page.

Then click on the ATLA Religion Database link in the Popular Databases box to the right of that page.

link to ATLA religion database.

Searching by Scripture Citation

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On the ATLA search page (to your right), click on More in the blue banner and select IndexesClick in the "Browse an Index" window and select Bible Citation.

link to searching Bible citations

In "Browse for" box, type in your scripture passage and press Enter.  Note:  To search First John 2:3 you have to enter it as john, 1st 2:3.

Searching by Scripture Citation

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Try browsing for John 1:1.  Note that you get more than one choice, but all the passages listed should include John 1:1.

Now try searching 1 John 1:1.

How many records are there for  I John 1:1-2:27

Searching by Scripture Citation

3 of 4To see the articles, check the boxes for the passages that meet your search criteria. And click the Add button just above the list of choices.  Note that all your choices appear in the search box.  Click on Search.  Your results page will look like this:

search results from EBSCO page

Searching by Scripture Citation

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 Now try your favorite passage and look through some of the results.  If you did not get any results try broadening your search; instead of a specific verse, search a book and chapter number.

 Please contact a librarian if you have questions about scripture citation searching.  Either use the Ask-a-Librarian form  or email us at 





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