You were instructed to resize your window before you started. If you did not do that, you will want to start again as this side window will disappear when you start to try the searches. When you have your window resized it should look like this:
And when you start the turtorial, your screen should look like this:
This tutorial will introduce you to a great tool for creating bibliographies. We'll look at different ways to pull in the information you need for your bibliography.
We will start with creating a citation for a website. As you can see in the search box to the right, Zoterobib prompts you to enter a URL. So I will do a Google search for the topic smartphone addiction
From the result list I chose a CNN report entitled Smartphone addiction could be changing your brain with this URL:
Copy this URL and paste it into the box on the Zoterobib page to the right and click Cite. The results you get should look like this:
On the results page, scroll down to the blue bar below the heading Bibliography. Click on the arrow to the right end of the blue bar and choose the citation style you need for your assignment.
For this tutorial, we will use the American Psychological Association 6th edition (also known as APA style.) Now that I have changed the citation style, I notice that something is missing from the citation.
The date of publication is missing-- that's what the (n.d.) means. We can edit the information immediately by clicking on the Edit button and typing the information in the appropriate box. From information in this article I found online, I know it was published in 2018. Go ahead and type 2018 in the date field, click on Done and note the difference in your citation.
The next search entry we'll try is an ISBN, which is a number that identifies a specific book. We'll find a book in Morgan Library by searching LancerQuest. First, you will need to open another tab in the browser window to the right of the zoterobib tab.
Then in the blank address bar, type
On the library page, click on the Books icon (in red in the image below) and type in the search smartphone addiction. Press enter or click on the magnifying glass button.
On the result page, find the book by the title 12 ways your phone is changing you. Click on the title of the book and then click on the word Description. You will see 2 ISBNs in the description.
Copy an ISBN (either will work), go back to your zoterobib tab and paste the number into the search box and press Cite again. Scroll down to your Bibliography.
How many entries do you now have in your Bibliography?
Try adding another book and see what happens to your bibliography. This time we will search by title, so copy and paste this title in the zoterobib search box:
Emerging issues in smart learning
You will be given two options for this search. Click on the title that matches the book you want. In this case, we want the 2015 edition.
Where did the citation for the last book you added end up in your bibliography?
So zoterobib put it in the correct order instead of just adding it to the end of the bibliography. That's why this tool is so great for organizing your sources for your paper.
You can add journal articles to your bibliography by using the DOI or searching by the title like we just did for a book. The DOI is a Digital Object Identifier that is assigned to each article and looks like an internet address or hyperlink ( To search for articles we will use PsycINFO, so copy and paste the following address in a new tab and log in with your Grace username and password.
When you get there it should look like this:
Enter the same search we've been using smartphone addiction. This is just a keyword search. You'll learn some other searching techniques in another tutorial. We'll use the article with this title: The effect of adolescents' Internet addiction on smartphone addiction. If you click on the title of an article, you'll see lots of good information about the article but the DOI we need is almost at the bottom of the information about the article. For this article it is:
Copy and paste this link into the zoterobib search box. Is the DOI showing up at the end of your citation? It should be. APA format requires a DOI if it is available, so keep that in mind when checking your bibliography for errors.
What if there is no DOI to use for the search? If your article happens to be full-text in the database, sometimes you can find the DOI on the article. However, you can search by title too. Here's a title that does not have a DOI in PsycINFO: Development of Korean Smartphone Addiction Proneness Scale for youth
Copy this title into zoterobib and search it.
What does the citation have that was unexpected?
Zoterobib evidently found the "missing" DOI.
Let's try a different type of resource. There are a lot of reference materials that have well researched articles including encyclopedias that focus on one particular topic. Morgan Library had a database of encyclopedias and reference books called Credo. Copy and paste the following URL into a new tab.
This time we'll search cell phone addiction. If you scroll down the list a little, you'll find an article by the title Texting and Teens - A Pediatrician (and Mom) Speak Out. Copy that title and paste it into zoterobib. This time no results were found, which gives us the opportunity to try the last method for creating a citation by adding it manually. Click on the Manual Entry button under the zoterobib search box.
We'll have to toggle back and forth between our Credo page and zoterobib to copy and paste the information that we need. In the form, first change the Item Type to Encyclopedia Article. Then go to Credo and copy the title of the article. Go back to zoterobib and paste it into the title field. You'll find the author's name way at the bottom of the article (no need to add an author's title or credentials.) The Encyclopedia Title is just below the title of the article (from Harvard.....). The date is located at the bottom of the page and the URL can be found by clicking on the PermaLink in the blue bar at the top.
Some of the information you need is not easy to find, so here's a tip, Credo provides the information at the bottom of the page. Using that information, fill in the remaining boxes -- Place and Publisher, etc. Then click Done. If you compare your citation with the citation Credo provides, you'll notice that the words in the Encyclopedia Title are not all capitalized. Don't take Credo's word for it, though. You need to double check to see if that is what it says in the APA handbook. (A helpful link is available at the end of this tutorial.) Once you have verified the correct way to enter a reference book title, just click on the citation in the Bibliography and correct it and click Done.
The last step is moving the completed bibliography to your paper. Below your Bibliography in zoterobib, you'll find the heading Export and a blue box that says Copy to Clipboard. Click on that blue box then open your paper in your word processing software; hold down your Ctrl key and press the letter V key. Zoterobib will add the indentations here. If you need to annotate your bibliography, you can add your annotations in between each citation.
Before you turn in your paper, BE SURE your citations are correct. This is a great tool, but it is not perfect (and we might have made a mistake in typing in a manual entry.) Is there a duplicate entry? Are all the entries in alphabetical order? For more help with APA and examples of citations, take a look at our Research Guide for citing with APA. If you want to go there now, be sure to open a new tab and paste this URL in the address bar
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