In this tutorial, you will learn how to find resources using Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia with access to over 4,000,000 articles.

Use the arrows below to navigate through the tutorial

About Wikipedia

Anyone can contribute to a Wikipedia article, so you need to use critical thinking skills when selecting articles. However, it can be a great place to gather background information on a topic that may be unfamiliar to you.

Search Wikipedia

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You search Wikipedia by using keywords


Search for photography

Search Wikipedia

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You are now at the Wikipedia page for Photography

Locate the Contents section on the left side of the page. This is the table of contents for the Wikipedia article.

Select: 2 History and evolution

What are the names of the Greek mathematicians that described a pinhole camera?

Thinking critically in Wikipedia

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One way to determine the validity of what you\'ve found is to check the Wikipedia citations. Use the superscript number to access information about the source.

example superscript link

Thinking critically in Wikipedia

2 of 2Scroll to the Camera development section of the page and take a look at the different cameras.





Take this final quiz.

What is a good use for Wikipedia?


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